For mid-career professionals planning sabbaticals with their families


For mid-career professionals planning sabbaticals with their families

Make your sabbatical a reality in the next 2 to 5 years

Offload investing, account paperwork, and moving money between accounts to give yourself some white space
to plan for and experience your time away from work.

Here’s how it works

We collaborate with you before, during, and after your sabbatical,
providing the financial expertise that you need to turn the wild idea of taking time off work into a reality.

Your Departure

You gotta know where you are today to get to where you’re headed! We build out a financial plan to see all the pieces of the puzzle in one place so that you can leave with confidence. 

You can expect to:

  • Understand your current financial situation
  • Know which accounts to save to
  • Match your investment portfolio to your sabbatical lifestyle
  • Know how much you can spend while you’re away
  • Strategically take advantage of your employee benefits
  • Protect your assets through estate planning and insurance

Your sabbatical

You won’t be working, but your money will be working for you. Let us do the heavy lifting while you’re away.

We make sure you:

  • Have cash when you need it
  • Keep your portfolio in check as the market moves
  • Take advantage of tax opportunities
  • Adjust your financial plan as your sabbatical unfolds
  • Stay on top of important deadlines or law changes while you’re out having fun

Your return

This can be the hardest part. Don’t worry, we’ll be right there with you as you translate your sabbatical experience into the next phase of your career, and your life in general.

Together we will:

  • Reflect on your experience and validate your priorities going forward
  • Know you have the savings set aside for a soft landing upon return
  • Evaluate new career opportunities and job offers
  • Refresh your financial plan with your new perspective
  • Have clear to-dos for how to reintegrate into daily life in the U.S.
  • Reposition your savings and investments to support your next adventure

Our clients find value in a long-term partnership
as they incorporate sabbaticals into their dynamic lives and transition from one phase to the next.  

See what to expect throughout the year, no matter what phase you’re in.

Spend less time Googling financial strategies
and more time planning your trip!

Spend less time Googling financial strategies
and more time planning your trip!

Here’s how a financial planner
can help you plan your sabbatical

You’re busy!
As CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals , we bring our expertise to make sure you’ve got everything under control to take your sabbatical. 

Middleton & Company - Financial planners for your sabbatical planning

Our Pricing

Our fees are charged as a percentage of assets under management

 Account Value  Annual Advisory Fee
 First $1,000,000  1.00%
 Next $1,000,000 – $3,000,000  0.75%
 Next $3,000,000 – $5,000,000  0.65%
 Next $5,000, 000 and above  0.50%

This service has a one-time upfront planning fee of $1,500.
The upfront fee is for Client onboarding, data gathering, and setting the basis for the financial and investment plan. 

We have a minimum of $500,000 investable assets.

YOUR LIFE IS UNIQUELY YOURS. Imagine what it could be.

From Work

To Sabbatical


Yes, the initial call is free of charge. It lasts about 30 minutes. The goal is to get to know each other, answer all your questions and see if it’s a good match! 

Onboarding includes 2 meetings:

  • Meeting #1 (in-person or virtual) to review your detailed financial profile, go over your goals in the context of your current financial situation, and determine which accounts we will manage
  • Meeting #2 (in-person or virtual) to play with various scenarios, identify areas of potential risk, prioritize your next 1-2 steps to get you closer to your sabbatical

Between meetings, you will complete questionnaires and work with our online planning tools to share information about your sabbatical and retirement goals.

After onboarding, we generally meet with clients at least 1-2 times a year. As you get closer to your planned departure, we will meet more frequently.

Believe it or not, we can accomplish a lot outside of meetings via email, videos, and document sharing. Our goal is to not add too many more things to your already busy calendar.

It’s up to you! Depends on where you are and whether you want to make the trek to downtown Vancouver, WA.

We like virtual meetings as much as you do.

Investing is just a part of your financial plan, but it is an important one. 

We want the plan we put in place to be implemented. We’ve seen that Procrastination and Deprioritization can become members of your financial team as you get busy. Let’s keep them on the sidelines.

Other benefits to investment management:

  • Coordination across accounts (so we don’t work against each other!)
  • Tax loss harvesting throughout the year
  • Intentional capital gains generation
  • Asset location – buying specific investments in specific types of accounts 
  • Tax-smart management of transactions (buys, sells, transfers)
  • Methodical rebalancing
  • Ongoing monitoring of fund performance

This is what we do day in and day out. You don’t have to do this!

Learn more about how we invest.

The accounts we manage are held at Charles Schwab. They remain in the client’s name

Building a savvy, strategic savings plan takes time.

Layer in:

  • The timing of your employee benefits, 
  • Understanding the tax impacts of changing income, 
  • Coming up with a withdrawal strategy, and 
  • Just plain gathering your financial documents while you continue to live your busy life…

and it leaves room for you to miss important things. 

You can leave opportunities on the table and overlook risks. It may not matter, until it does.

What about building a financial buffer to support a soft landing upon your return?

You owe it to yourself to be thoughtful and spend time on each financial area so you feel confident that you have a cohesive plan that won’t throw your long-term retirement plans off track.

And how about your spouse or travel partner(s)? Giving yourselves time to have quality conversations can enrich the planning experience and the sabbatical itself.  You’ll be in this together, after all.

Bottom line: Planning for and anticipating your sabbatical is part of the experience!

Middleton & Company - Sabbatical Planning - Frequently Asked Questions

Financial Planning For your Sabbatical Means

Tax Optimization Strategic Savings Investment Planning Financial Assessments Risk Management Retirement Planning Cash Flow Management Budgeting

Sabbatical planning covers everything in traditional financial planning
with a special focus on your targeted sabbatical strategy. Learn more

Financial Planning For your Sabbatical Means

Tax Optimization Strategic Savings Investment Planning Financial Assessments Risk Management Retirement Planning Cash Flow Management Budgeting

Sabbatical planning covers everything in traditional financial planning with a special focus on your targeted sabbatical strategy. Learn more