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Whether you’re wanting to plan a sabbatical, currently on one or returning from an extended break,
these resources are made to support you. 

Where are you on your sabbatical journey? 

Before Your Sabbatical

During Your Sabbatical

After Your Sabbatical

Favorite Destinations For a Sabbatical

Considering taking a sabbatical? Taking a career break can be a great opportunity to explore the world, learn about yourself, develop new skills, and truly discover what you want out of life. But do you know where will you go?

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How To Talk About Your Sabbatical To Your Manager

We’ve all experienced that feeling of apprehension and dread leading up to a conversation with our manager. Whether it’s asking for a pay rise, asking for feedback, or even giving your notice, it’s only natural to experience anxiety or worry in anticipation of the confrontation. If you’re considering a career break to travel, it’s likely you’re already worrying about the moment you’ll need to bring it up at work.

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5 Questions to Set Your Career Goal

Goal setting has proven to be an effective way to monitor growth and performance in your career. But often, the daily pressure and stress we feel can come from the goals we set for ourselves. Here’s how to set better goals for your career.

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