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Whether you’re wanting to plan a sabbatical, currently on one or returning from an extended break,
these resources are made to support you. 

Where are you on your sabbatical journey? 

Before Your Sabbatical

During Your Sabbatical

After Your Sabbatical

spring clean your finances

Spring Clean Your Finances in 3 Simple Steps

How do you feel when you think about your current financial situation? These 3 simple steps can help you feel more in control of your money. They’ll help you better understand what you have, where it’s going, and what you want it to do for you!

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after your sabbatical

Tips for a smooth return to work after a career break

We often really only think of the travel portion itself when considering taking a sabbatical, but there are a few other stages of the journey to take into account too. The wind down leading up to it, the logistics of the trip itself, and the reintegration period afterwards – all 3 stages should be considered when planning the money aspect of a sabbatical.

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sabbatical planning resources

6 Things That Can Ruin Your Sabbatical

Taking a sabbatical is a big commitment for most people. And along with big commitment comes big questions and fears. So how can we make sure to not waste this amazing experience? Is there anything that could ruin your sabbatical? Let’s see!

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